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New radiation tube

The trend of customers leads now to replace the “old” version with these new, more advantageous and efficient products. The alloy materials we use such as Alloy 601, Alloy 602 CA, AISI 309, AISI 310, AISI 321, show excellent performance to high temperatures.

We have subsequently developed new mould for the four-way elbows required for “2P” shaped radiant tube, one of the most requested type by our customers.

Thanks to the automated assembly and welding systems, optimal results are guaranteed in the final phase of the construction of the tubes with different shapes:

  • I shaped radiant tubes
  • U shaped radiant tubes
  • 2U shaped radiant tubes
  • M shaped radiant tubes
  • P shaped radiant tubes
  • 2P shaped radiant tubes


Another proof of the good quality of our manufactured radiant tube is the presence in our Company of a technical department able to verify thermal and mechanical behavior of the radiant tubes through software simulations. In this way the customer can have more trust and be completely satisfied about our work

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