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Centrifugal Casting


Centrifugal casting is an important metal manufacturing process that involves injecting molten metal into a mold using centrifugal force, separating impurities, and achieving uniform distribution of the metal to obtain the desired components or products.

Advantages of centrifugal casting:


High density and uniformity: Centrifugal casting eliminates bubbles and impurities in the metal, achieving high density and uniformity by evenly distributing the molten metal in the mold using centrifugal force.



Excellent mechanical properties: Due to the impact of high-speed centrifugal force, centrifugally cast parts exhibit excellent mechanical properties and strength, making them suitable for demanding engineering applications.



Manufacturing complex shapes and thin-walled structures: Centrifugal casting allows for the production of parts and products with complex shapes and thin-walled structures, providing designers with greater design freedom.



High metal utilization: By using centrifugal force to separate impurities and bubbles, centrifugal casting reduces metal wastage, resulting in high metal utilization and cost savings.



High production efficiency: Centrifugal casting utilizes automated equipment, enabling automated and high-speed continuous production, thus enhancing production efficiency.


Disadvantages of centrifugal casting:


High initial cost: Centrifugal casting requires specialized centrifugal machines and molds, leading to higher manufacturing and maintenance costs. This can be a significant investment, especially for small-scale production or startup companies.



Limitations in metal selection: Centrifugal casting is generally suitable for metals with low melting points and good fluidity, limiting its applicability for high-melting point and difficult-to-cast metals.



Limitations in component size: The size of molds and centrifugal machines in centrifugal casting is limited, which may pose restrictions on the production of large-sized components or products.


Centrifugal casting process:


Mold preparation: Firstly, prepare the metal molds required for centrifugal casting, according to the shape and size of the components or products.



Material preparation: Prepare suitable metal raw materials, typically metals with low melting points and good fluidity, and melt them into a molten state.



Injection: Inject the molten metal into the mold of the centrifugal machine, achieving uniform distribution in the mold using centrifugal force while separating impurities and bubbles.



Cooling and solidification: After the mold is fully filled with metal, cool and solidify the metal, making it solid and stable.



Demolding and cleaning: Remove the solidified metal components from the mold and perform subsequent cleaning and processing, such as removing residual impurities and surface treatment.



Heat treatment (optional): Optionally, subject the centrifugally cast parts to heat treatment to adjust the material’s properties and structure.



Inspection and correction: Conduct stringent inspection and testing of the centrifugally cast parts to ensure their quality and dimension conform to specifications. Make any necessary corrections or adjustments if needed.



Machining and assembly: Perform necessary machining and assembly on the centrifugally cast parts to meet the functional and requirements of the final product.


In summary, centrifugal casting offers advantages such as high density and uniformity, excellent mechanical properties, the ability to manufacture complex shapes, and high metal utilization. However, it is associated with high initial costs, limitations in metal selection, and restrictions in component size. Understanding the advantages, disadvantages, and process of centrifugal casting helps in making informed decisions and improving production efficiency and product quality.


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